Friday, 9 January 2009

The websites appearance

i would like to look into the websites appearance and how user friendly it is. for me a website needs to look presentable, so it can attract the viewer, and want them to carry on looking through the site. the colours used are, in my opinion very calm and warm, making in more pleasant to look at. colours that really lash out and open up your eyes. the images used are very well thought of and look extremely professional, making the site look as if it has high standard and for some reason in my opinion looks more trustworthy. the slide show that they have makes it look again, more professional and also allows a more effective and easier way to get all what they have to offer across to the viewers. the colour scheme overall is simple with a view lavish colours here are their but the background which can be clearly seen, but with the standard boxes around certain sections adds to simplistic effect, making the site easier to look at and makes the site spacious and not cramped making you feel suffocated. the way the site is spaced out also makes a person be able to look at everything and not overlook anything on the site

the links on this site are very well done, i am pleased with how the links to other sites on the page are structured out because the writing of certain features are in a large font so you can clearly read and tell the difference between the links. how the preview of the features at the top of the page in presented with a small page that changed allows a person to fully read and understand what the link leads to. when you scroll down you can see, very simply but effectively done certain links to pages on the site which you can clearly read and understand with large writing on top and then a short description at the bottom. links to other pages such as the answers, books etc, which are at the top area of the home page, can be clearly seen when hovered over.

if i was to pick out a concern i would say that the links to the bookstore, answers etc are not clearly seen although when hovered over the colour changes but it can be difficult to see in the first place. this could be something difficult for a person who may be visually impaired

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